Physical Science 3rd Period 2011

Monday 1/17/11NO SCHOOL 
Tuesday 1/18/11TEACHER WORKDAY  
Wednesday 1/19/11


Thursday 1/20/11
  1. Review policies
  2. ACTIVITY - Chemistry is FunWrap-up policies
  3. NOTES & ACTIVITY - Safety Scavenger Hunt.
  4. Practice "Disaster Demos"
DUE: signatures on policies and safety contract
  1. Get signatures on policies and safety contract.
  2. Prepare for "Disaster Demos"
  3. Review "Laboratory Safety" handout
Friday 1/17/11
  1. Perform "Disaster Demos"
  2. Safety Quiz
  3. Math Skills Inventory
  4. Learning Styles Inventory

















Week of January 24-28, 2011
Monday 1/24/11
  1. Form Teams
  2. NOTES - Nature of Science
  3. ACTIVITY - When the Titanic Sank
DUE: Supplies
  1. Nature of Science w/s
Tuesday 1/25/11
  1. NOTES - Experimental Design
  2. LAB - The Magic Tube
DUE: Nature of Science w/s
  1. Complete Magic Tube Lab
  2. Nature of Science Quiz
Wednesday 1/2611
  1. Peer Review of Magic Tube Lab
  2. QUIZ - Nature of Science
  3. NOTES - Units of Measurement
DUE: Magic Tube Lab
  1. Units of Measurement w/s
  2. Revise Magic Tube Lab (optional)
Thursday 1/27/11
  1. NOTES - Graphing
  2. LAB - Density of Pennies
DUE: Units of Measurement w/s, Revised Magic Tube Lab (opt)
  1. Complete Pennies Lab
Friday 1/28/11
  1. Peer Review of Pennies Lab
  2. NOTES - Unit Conversions
DUE: Pennies Lab
  1. Unit Conversions w/s
  2. Revise Pennies Lab (optional)